This is a follow-up to our March 2019 “OPEN LETTER TO ALL OUR GUESTS AND FRIENDS.” A lot has happened in the past three years. Just in case that somebody wonders what happened and where we are, we decided to “follow-up.”

Our Camden, South Carolina ranch has been sold, and we have moved into our “small
facility for retired ranchers with our remaining stars,” as pointed out in our 2019
Even though Bald Eagle Ranch and all old memories will always be with us, it is still sad that our many years of active ranching are, more or less, over. Obviously, the old saying, “All good things will come to an end” is not only true, but it can also be emotionally difficult to deal with. I am not complaining, only stating the FACTS. Both Marcia and I are very thankful for having had a tremendous experience with Bald Eagle Ranch. After all, in almost 30 years, we met the nicest people from all over the World, and in addition, we had the pleasure and enjoyment of our livestock and other animals. What else can anybody ask for?
We are very fortunate with our new location, which basically is ranching and farming. All the citizens in our area are hardworking, honest, and helpful people. Quite frankly, it is not easy to find people like that anymore. If you ever get to our area, please stop in and visit.
We also want to thank all professional people who have helped us to make Bald Eagle
Ranch successful. Good examples are veterinarians, farriers, Dude Ranchers’
Association, journalists – both magazines and newspapers, agents, both domestic and
international, and Mr. David W. McCollough, Aspen Leaf Design, Inc. (303-907-2282) who has been in charge of all our websites. He has done an excellent job for Bald Eagle Ranch. If you ever need help with the design of a website, we strongly recommend you to contact David.
Ake and Marcia Eriksson
3398 Johnson Road
Jefferson, SC 29718-8744 or
Previous OPEN Letter – March, 2019

This website has always been dedicated to Bald Eagle Ranch, Inc., as well as our Guests and Friends from 36 countries around the World. A lot of the people returned many times, not only to Texas, but also to Virginia and South Carolina. An example is Eric & Sheila Jelfs from Switzerland – six visits with a total of 176 days. In short, everybody seemed to enjoy our Quarter Horses, Texas Longhorns and our Mule Team.
Marcia and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU for your support and friendship in the past. It has been a tremendous pleasure and good life experience.
Many guests asked how we ended up with Bald Eagle Ranch. It is a long story, but I will try to make it brief.
Even though I was involved in sales and marketing in Sweden, the main part of my life began more than 50 years ago — December 26, 1967 — the day I boarded the ship in Sweden, heading for North America. April 30, 2018 was another “milestone” as Marcia and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. We have been a team, working together every day, both in the industrial and the ranching businesses.
My original connection with horses was in 1973. It started as a hobby, but grew quickly into an Arabian horse breeding and showing operation. After I sold my last industrial business in 1992, and fulfilled my two years commitment,to the new owners, we went ranching full time.
Bald Eagle Ranch was incorporated, the design and construction of the Bandera, Texas ranch was a reality.
Unfortunately, unexpected things happened, and we had to leave Texas. We headed to Virginia with all our horses and mules. Designed and built another ranch, hosted guest, both old and new. The riding in the Virginia mountains turned out to be rather hazardous, and because of the safety of our guests, we decided to move the ranch a second time, designed and built another new ranch in South Carolina.
Due to old age, and some medical setbacks — which include four surgeries — our guest ranch program has, more or less, ended and our ranch in South Carolina is for sale.
The STARS of Bald Eagle Ranch have always been our livestock. Because of animal abuse and neglect, I have NEVER sold an equine. They all left Texas with us, and 9 horses are still living. The oldest will be 34 in April, and we do not have one “teenager” left. As long as they remain healthy and without pain, they will be in our pastures. When we sell our ranch in S.C., all of us, including horses, dogs and cat, will relocate to a small facility for “retired ranchers” with our remaining “stars.”
In closing, we have a lot of correspondence and photos on file from our guests and friends. Quite often I refresh my memory by reading and looking at these. Again, thanks for all good memories — which always will be with us — as well as giving us the opportunity to be a small part of your lives.
Ake and Marcia
P.S. The correspondence we still receive from our “old” FRIENDS are greatly appreciated.